October 26, 2023

How Therapies Can Help Your Child With Down Syndrome Live Their Very Best Life

October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month and it’s always a special celebration here at Imagine Pediatrics Therapy. In fact, we founded Imagine Pediatrics after the arrival of our son Malek, born with Down syndrome. We quickly realized that we needed to tap into a variety of therapies and services to help provide the very best possible future for Malek – and that those therapies weren’t readily available.

There are mental and physical challenges common to children with Down syndrome, such as heart issues, vision and hearing loss, poor muscle tone, and mild to moderate intellectual disability, but these complications manifest in unique ways in each individual. At Imagine Pediatric Therapy we start by considering what each individual child needs to assist their physical and/or intellectual development, and how we can meet those needs given the individual’s strengths and limitations.

Studies show that this customized approach provides the best benefits when adopted as soon as possible. Because nearly all children with Down syndrome are identified before or at birth, very early interventions are typically possible. Your Imagine Pediatric therapy team will be ready immediately after your child’s birth to help guide and assist the best possible outcomes, including speech-language, occupational, and physical therapy.

Children with Down syndrome often begin speaking about 6 months later than their peers. Complicating an already complicated process of language acquisition, people with Down syndrome tend to suffer a specific short-term memory deficit called the phonological loop. Essentially, the phonological loop holds verbal information, sounds and words, so we can process them even as we hear more and more. This loop seems to work in reverse as well, holding sounds and words “at the ready” as we’re preparing to speak. This memory bank is smaller in people with Down syndrome, and so slows the processing and production of information. Beyond helping develop speech and language skills in the face of this memory-deficit, speech and language therapy can also help children develop the muscles specific to speech and non-verbal supplementary communication techniques.

Your child may also benefit from an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) device. We will evaluate and work with your child and family to recommend picture communication boards, communication books, a speech-generating device, a mobile application, an eye-gaze system or some combination of these assistants. It is uncommon for adults with Down syndrome to continue to need Speech-language therapy; however, research suggests it may be beneficial throughout life.

When your child starts interacting with their environment, occupational therapy can help them adjust everyday tasks to match their needs and abilities. Because Down syndrome can present a wide variety of physical and intellectual health issues, children with Down syndrome can benefit from occupational therapy to help them develop everyday skills like getting dressed, eating, and writing as well as more particular skills as the child gets older and their interests also become more particular. Again, data suggests that most people with Down syndrome can discontinue OT by adulthood.

Physical therapy will focus on your child’s motor skills, muscle strength, and balance. A child with Down syndrome might find certain movements difficult due to low muscle tone, and so they may adapt easier ways of moving around which can be a detriment to later development. Physical therapy will assist the child in developing the muscle strength to properly adapt when necessary. Because so much of human development occurs early and all at once, the sooner gross motor concerns can be addressed via physical therapy, the sooner and better the child can leverage muscle control in interacting with their environment. Early intervention has the biggest impacts on health outcomes and as a result, PT is rarely needed as your child with Down syndrome grows into an adult.

Early therapeutic intervention makes a huge difference in the life of your child with Down syndrome. Imagine Pediatric Therapy’s team approach, integrating physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and behavioral therapy will give your child the skills, abilities and tool to achieve their highest potential and live their richest life possible.

If you are expecting a baby with Down syndrome or have a child with Down syndrome, please email us for an evaluation.

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